Achieve Optimum Health: Feel Better, Live Longer, and Thrive

Stop treating the symptoms and start curing the root causes of disease.

Many individuals approach medical issues by simply applying a temporary fix, known as the "Band-Aid" approach. They often follow their doctors' advice without question, only to feel disappointed when they don't experience the expected improvement.

In this comprehensive 8-week online program, I will guide you on how to lead a longer and healthier life, overcoming diseases without relying on doctors, toxic medications, or painful procedures. 

It's your opportunity to finally learn effective strategies for achieving optimal health and well-being.

Your Doctors Will Not Help You Overcome Disease

I will be your guide every step of the way.  Unlike Big Parma’s empty promises and medical professionals using fancy words, we will simply eliminate the things that are creating disease. While doing this, we will also add a little love to your body at a deep cellular level to allow your body to do what it does best, heal itself.  

I will train you on the principles to restore your body and overcome disease with complete cellular restoration detoxification protocols.

These simple, yet profound principles, detoxify your body by eliminating hidden toxins at a cellular level and rebuild your body with nutrient-dense foods, proven to heal your gut, balance your hormones, and awaken the energy being that you are. 

Make 2024 the year for you to finally say goodbye to....


ØHeart Disease 

ØFrequent Sickness

Ø Chronic fatigue and poor sleep

Ø Stagnant fat burning and loss

Ø Body pain like headaches, migraines, joint & muscle pain

Ø Digestive issues like constipation and diarrhea

Ø Mood issues like anxiety, irritability, & depression

Ø Brain fog & difficulty remembering things

Ø Thyroid and other Hormone Dysregulation

Ø Skin issues like acne, hair loss, & body odor

Ø Autoimmune disorders, cancer, & infertility

Ø And more…..

Begin Your Journey to Healing Now!

Don't spend another day suffering from illness, fatigue and constant pain.

Coach Dr. Taj

Empowering People to Self-Heal

Let's Stop Treating the Symptoms and Start Curing the ROOT Causes of Disease

Meet Your Coach

CHI Certified Holistic Health Coach Dr. Taj Haynes

I am a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine and a practicing Dentist. Using my medical knowledge and first-hand experience, I empower my clients to become their best doctor by detoxing and self-healing. I lead them to a life of real health. I am a proud certified Health Coach at the CHI Holistic Health Institute. Over the years, I have transformed my life using the exact same detoxing lifestyle principles. These are the same principles that I teach coaches and utilize as body-first healing philosophy when I practice dentistry. I am a walking example of what I teach


The Power Detox Cleanse is a convenient online 8-week detoxing cleanse. I will coach you through a series of video lessons on how to cleanse the toxins that make you sick, help you self-heal and enhance your life.

  • 8-week course with more than 12 video lessons

  • Learn the proper order to detox the different organs of the body

  • Focus on removing all sources of toxicity and repairing the cells, gut and organs, to allow the body to heal

  • Learn to cleanse your body, habits, environment, & most importantly your lifestyle

  • Weekly action steps guide you on your detox journey

  • Identify hidden toxins and how to eliminate them from your life

  • During this 8 week cleanse, you will detox environmental toxins, mold & pathogens, heavy metals, and parasites

  • Remove toxic health BLOCKERS and add Heathy BUILDERS to your life

  • Learn about the top 7 toxic foods to avoid

  • And much much more....

I Know What You're Thinking

"Is this just another diet or cleanse fad?"

The Power Detox Cleanse is not the latest diet fad with a magical one size fits all plan.   The PDC also is not the latest and greatest technology craze like ionic foot baths, foot pads, or a special pill to make all your illnesses go away.  
The worst part of these magic bullets is that you have probably tried all the medications and all the things with little to no resolution of your symptoms.  
They did not work!  Why?

I'll let you in on a BIG secret.  

Here's why 99% of people fail when it comes to detoxing...

  1. Failure to first open elimination pathways
  2. Do not provide the energy it takes for your body to remove toxins
  3. Miss organs or cleanse them in the wrong order (they are incomplete)
  4. Not getting the proper amount of rest
  5. Not consuming cleansing foods that support detox
  6. Not using powerful binders & detox strategies to carry toxins out of the body
  7. Using cheap or toxic cleanse supplements
  8. Cleansing without proper hydration
  9. Not cleansing for long enough or going back to the unhealthy lifestyle that created the need to cleanse in the first place after you finish
  10. Cleansing without proper Labs & Assessments to examine Toxic Load

BONUS: Not addressing the mind-body connection

You Are Not Alone

This well designed course will make you your best doctor in 8 short weeks. While you burn fat, improve your digestion, have glowing skin, you will begin to have renewed energy and an increase desire to have sex!

  • I am with you each step of the way

  • Easy to use online video course

  • Reinforcement of important Concepts

  • DIY Troubleshooting guide

  • Lifetime access with free upgrades & material

  • Easily supports 1-on-1 Health Coaching upgrades

PDC Bonuses

A Few Extras That You Will Receive

  • Is Your Mouth Making Your Sick

    75% of Chronic Disease begins in the mouth. Learn about oral disease and the toxic things that you expose your body to every single day.

  • Total Body Detox for Healing

    A video seminar going deep about the main (and hidden) toxins to explain the importance of your ability to identify and eliminate them. If you do not make time for wellness now, you will be forced to make time for illness later.

  • Total Body Assessments

    Assessment forms that Dr. Taj uses for his 1-on-1 coaching to allow you to self-assess before and after your Power Detox Cleanse.

Yes! I Am Ready To Unleash The Self-Healing Power of My Body.

Don't Miss Out! The Power Detox Cleanse is only $497 for a limited time & will increase to $997

Take A Peak at What's Inside!

A Simplified Process For Total Body Empowered Healing

    1. Hello From Your Coach

    2. How To Use This Course

    3. Dr. Taj's Story

    4. Documents To Get Started

    5. Upgrade Your Detox (optional) & Troubleshooting Guide

    6. Supplements

    7. Getting Ready To Detox and Cleanse The Body

    8. Detoxing The Mind - Victorious Mindset [Bonus]

    9. Before we begin...

    1. Module 2 Introduction - The Journey Continues

    2. Liver and Gallbladder Cleanse

    3. Module 2 Quiz

    1. Module 3 Introduction - Move That Lymph

    2. The Lymph Cleanse

    3. Module 3 Quiz

    1. Module 4 Introduction - Detox Foodie Clean Lifestyle

    2. Detox Foodie Clean Lifestyle

    3. Module 4 Quiz

About this course

  • 39 lessons
  • 9 hours of video content


Common Questions That I Am Asked

  • What makes this cleanse different?

    This cleanse is based on simple principles. Take out the toxins from the body in the correct order and nourish the body with REAL Food. This cleanse focuses on making a cleanse a lifestyle change to allow you to live a vibrant life. Its goal is to not make you suffer by giving up the things you love and enjoy. This cleanse will remove the bad things and replace them with healthy swaps to allow your body to thrive.

  • What will I eat?

    This is a popular question. Most people think a ‘cleanse’ is torture. This is not the case. Each week will be different. Initially, the cleanse will be plant-based with low-fat lean and clean meat/fish, and nutrient-dense health fats. A few weeks in, we will begin to phase in a higher percentage of fats and meats (if you are vegan, there are alternatives). You do not want to eat empty carbs that are causing the majority of issues you are having now.

  • Can I eat out during the cleanse?

    Sure. I know you will eat out. You will learn that restaurants today sell conventional foods full of dairy, gluten, pesticides, hormones in commercial meats artificial colors, ‘natural flavors’, GMO's, PUFA's, trans fats, MSG, added sugar, added fat, added salt, farm-raised seafood, antibiotic, and growth hormone infested meat etc. You will learn how to 'order as healthy as possible' without depriving or isolating yourself. Ultimately, your tastebuds will change, and you will be feeling so good, you will not want to eat out as frequently.

  • Can I do the cleanse if I take medications?

    When in doubt, talk to your primary physician. With that said, eating healthier real plant-based foods has never been an interaction concern with your medications. There are many testimonials that people when eating healthier and detoxing they are able to stop taking their medicines.

  • Is there any guarantee of results?

    Yes, here is my guarantee. If you follow the advice given each week and commit to taking consistent action on the information that I share, you will see amazing positive changes to your health. I will also guarantee, that if you are not serious and fully committed to consistently acting, you may see some results. However, it will not be anything near what is possible when making the decision to be fully committed. When I am asked this question, I find that what people are really concerned about is wasting money, getting hurt, and disappointing themselves or other people. I know that this program is designed to provide you with everything that I know that gets results. I know because I live it every day of my life. I do not provide refunds after purchase because only the serious and committed need to join the program. If there are any doubts, it is better to wait until you are ready to go all in. If you are on the fence, please reach out to me and I will answer your specific questions.

  • What if I need support beyond Power Detox Cleanse?

    If at any time during or after your cleanse, you would like to dive deeper, order labs, and work one-on-one with me to customize your cleanse, please reach out and contact me. I will be happy to help in any way I can.

  • Can kids do the cleanse?

    Absolutely! They can eat the food along with you. You will want to have caution with the practitioner-grade detox products and kits. When you begin to detox parasites, it is best that the entire family does the same.

  • What cleanse kit or detox products will we use?

    The primary detox regimen to heal the body is real food through a clean detox diet. There are opportunities to upgrade your detox with supplements that I will suggest throughout the cleanse. These supplements include high-quality vitamins and minerals and practitioner-grade detox supplements. We have to make sure that you are able to absorb the ingredients. Keep in mind that most people only absorb 30% of their supplements because of the sludge in their digestive tract.

  • What kind of results should I expect?

    There have been many testimonials of conditions and symptoms that are healed during this cleanse. These include metabolic challenges, diabetes, blood sugar imbalances, high blood pressure, obesity, asthma, allergies, mood issues, ADD/ADHD, brain fog, memory & focus issues, hormone imbalance, adrenal and thyroid diseases, food cravings, birth control toxicity, estrogen dominance, chronic pain, digestive issues, migraines, depression, sleep issues and many more. You may also lose unwanted fat that has been resistant to burn. It is not uncommon to lose 15 pounds in a month.